What Is Filtration Soiling?

Black lines that appear around the baseboards and under doorways is called filtration soiling.

If you have light colored carpet, you may have experienced dark areas around the baseboards, under doors, and especially near the HVAC return. This soiling comes from air passing through the carpet as it is attempting to go through the edge of the carpet pile. Microscopic particles of soil are deposited there (hence the term filtration soiling). This occurs over a significant period of time and is not noticed until a significant build up has occurred.

This type of soiling is difficult to remove because the soil particles are so fine that they penetrate deep into the carpet pile, sometimes into the backing of the carpet. Can it be removed? Sometimes. With special products, time and effort, reasonable results can be achieved, although not in all cases.

To help prevent filtration soiling in the future, vacuum the edges of the carpeting on a regular basis. Then wipe the edges of the carpet with a white terry towel. Be careful around the tack-strip under the edge of the carpeting, you could nick your fingers!

You can trust that when it comes to your home that Buddy will apply all of his expertise to your job. Click here to read more about our 12 step restorative cleaning process.

5 Way to Care for Your Oriental

An oriental rug is a beautiful centerpiece for your home. Weaving these ornate pieces can take anywhere from months to years to complete. Filled with beautiful and unique designs, oriental rugs are widely respected for their exquisite attention to detail, their top-grade construction and their brilliant colors. However, over time these rugs can become a bit dulled and in need of cleaning. Proper care and cleaning of oriental rugs is essential  to preserve their luster and beauty for generations to come.

Here are 5 easy things you can do from home today to care for your oriental rug:

  1. Vacuum: For day to day cleaning and protection of your orientals, vacuuming will remove surface soils and insects. Do not neglect out of sight areas, such as under beds, and furniture, where insects and moths can do damage.
  2. Clean Spills: If you should spill a liquid, use white paper/cotton (non-colored cotton) towels to soak up excess moisture; then wet, rinse and blot again, elevate the wet area from the floor until dry. Remove spills/solids as carefully as possible with a shop vac or dull knife – rinse as above.
  3. Long Term Storage: If you should have to store you carpet for any length of time, take care to pack your oriental with moth repellents, and wrap in strong paper – NOT plastic.
  4. Protect Fibers: When arranging furniture, it’s wise to have some sort of protection under the legs to prevent the carpet fibers from being crushed.
  5. Professional Washing: Lastly, most Orientals benefit for a professional washing, but send them only to an expert (like Buddy’s!) who understands the care and extra attention they require.

If you ever have any questions on how to clean your Oriental please give us a call at 417.833.1732. At Buddy’s Carpet Care we pride ourselves in educating our clients! If there’s something we know you can safely do from home to clean your rugs we are happy to walk you through that process – we’re here for you when you need professional help as well.